February 5, 2018
Abort Mag Review
February 10, 2018Original article here: https://www.midtnmusic.com/trigram/
Los Angeles based rockers Trigram create music with serious artistic depth.
Concocting a sonic layer cake of delicious hard rockin’ goodness, thick guitars, punch-you-in-the-gut drums, and powerful vocal performances combine to create a stimulating wall of sound that combines everything we love about bands like Alice In Chains, Tool and Deftones.
Strong melodies, lush vocal harmonies, top notch guitar work and pristine production confidently and consistently impress on each of the four tracks found on Trigram‘s self-titled EP.
From the opening Assimilate to the closing Tick Down, we are treated with sonic landscapes that hit you hard, leave your mind dissecting and analyzing each of the song’s elements, and an exploration of the human condition from the grittier, darker side of life.
The short film/music video for the lead track, Assimilate, is an excellent display of the creative depth found within the world of Trigram. The Alex Frey directed visual explores blind conformity within the context of the narrowing viewpoints spoon fed to us by social media algorithms. Placing us in a dystopian world where forces have exercised mental control over the population through our devices, we tag along with captured resistance leaders as one searches for escape and an end to the madness.
Other songs on the album continue this powerful exploration of human existence in present tense. Bleed Out gives us a front seat view of the horrors that arise from violent relationships. Entropy takes us through the darker sides of the Christopher Columbus discovery story. Tick Down closes out the EP and serves as a catharsis as well as the perfect ending to one of best sounding hard rock projects I have heard in quite some time.
I am now a Trigram fan.